Certified translations

Legally compliant
Accepted throughout Germany
Order online in a simple way

Order your certified translation from Comtext!

At Comtext Fremdsprachenservice, we provide certified translations of official documents and professional specialised translations for many industries in almost all target languages. You can rely on over 25 years of experience in the translation industry and on the high quality of our processes (process standards), which are certified by the ISO 17100 quality management system.

A certified translation in just a few clicks

Select the document to be translated
Select the source language and the target language
Upload the document to be translated
Order online and receive an order confirmation
Receive your certified translation within a few days by email and post

How fast will my translation be processed?

We always endeavour to carry out every translation on time and with the necessary professionalism. The processing time naturally depends on the type and scope of your order. If your order needs to be processed very quickly, our PRIO or express service is available on request.
1 - 4 pages
5 - 9 pages
10 + pages
Standard *
4 - 7 workdays
7 - 9 workdays
PRIO * (option)
3 - 4 workdays
5 - 6 workdays
Express 24 - 48 h - ...

*(Delivery by end of day)

1 - 4 pages
Standard *
4 - 7 workdays
PRIO * (option)
3 - 4 workdays
5 - 9 pages
Standard *
7 - 9 workdays
PRIO * (option)
5 - 6 workdays
10 + pages
Standard *
PRIO * (option)
Express 24 - 48 h - ...

*(Delivery by end of day)

Your document is not listed or your language combination is not offered?

We would be happy to provide you with a customised offer

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More Information

Translating has never been so easy!
Your all-round carefree service at Comtext

At Comtext Fremdsprachenservice, we have made it our mission not only to provide our customers with flawless, high-quality translations that meet all official requirements, but also to offer them an all-round carefree service.

This includes transparent project management, which will assist you with all questions and problems from the moment you place your order to the completion and delivery of your translation. You also now have the option of ordering and purchasing your certified translation of official documents directly and easily in our online shop. Simply upload your documents, select the desired target language and find out the price and delivery time immediately.

If you cannot find your source and/or target language in our online shop, simply contact us using our enquiry form! A competent member of staff will get in touch with you shortly and send you a customised quote for a certified translation.

ISO certified translation agency
Simple commissioning in just a few minutes
Get price and delivery time immediately
Transparent project management
Shipping by post and e-mail

Absolutely on schedule, professional and reliable for over 30 years!

Absolutely on schedule, professional and reliable for over 30 years!

Comtext Fremdsprachenservice GmbH
Translation agency Leipzig
Gottschedstraße 12, 04109 Leipzig
Phone: 0341/ 211 78 61
Email: leipzig@sprachenservice.de
Translation agency Halle (Saale)
Merseburger Str. 52, 06110 Halle (Saale)
Phone: 0345/ 47 07 986
Email: halle@sprachenservice.de