Welcome to the Comtext translation agency Leipzig & Halle

Our translator network, consisting of over 500 freelance and in-house translators, is at your disposal with a wide range of services in all national languages.

Notarised translations
Notarised or certified translations
Transliteration of non-Latin scripts according to ISO standard
Translate application
Document translation
Specialised legal translations
Translations of certificates
Contract translations
Job reference translation
Translation of driving licence
  • Notarised or certified translations
  • Transliteration of non-Latin scripts according to ISO standard
  • Translate application
  • Document translation
  • Specialised legal translations
  • Translations of certificates
  • Contract translations
  • Job reference translation
  • Translation of driving licence
Specialist translations
Technical translations
Legal translations
Medical translations
Translate documents
Website translations
IT translations
  • Technical translations
  • Legal translations
  • Medical translations
  • Translate documents
  • Website translations
  • IT translations

Further services of the Comtext translation agency in the field of language translation

24-hour interpreting service
Interpreting service
Conference interpreting
Video interpreting
Telephone interpreting
Interpreting at the notary
Interpreting in the healthcare sector
Court interpreting
  • Interpreting service
  • Conference interpreting
  • Video interpreting
  • Telephone interpreting
  • Interpreting at the notary
  • Interpreting in the healthcare sector
  • Court interpreting
Generally sworn translator
Translators and interpreters
Translation agency Comtext Fremdsprachenservice GmbH
Express translations
Translation process
  • Generally sworn translator
  • Translators and interpreters
  • Translation agency Comtext Fremdsprachenservice GmbH
  • Express translations
  • Prices
  • Translation process
Comtext Fremdsprachenservice GmbH
Translation agency Leipzig
Gottschedstraße 12, 04109 Leipzig
Phone: 0341/ 211 78 61
Email: leipzig@sprachenservice.de
Translation agency Halle (Saale)
Merseburger Str. 52, 06110 Halle (Saale)
Phone: 0345/ 47 07 986
Email: halle@sprachenservice.de